Feeding Raw
Commercial dog food consists of kibble, canned food, dog cookies, etc. These have only been around for a few decades. It was introduced by companies to make lots of money, at cheaper costs. It’s almost impossible for a dog’s digestive system to have been changed so much in the years of feeding commercial processed kibble that it’s an easy transition to switch your furry pet to a raw food diet. In today’s society, dogs are experiencing much more problems dealing with processed foods. Therefore, we are seeing more cases of degenerative diseases in dogs today.
Ponder these questions…
What did people feed their dogs before dog food kibble was introduced?
How were dogs health before commercial processed food was introduced?
Dogs have been healthy before the commercial food industry came along.
Prior to the commercial food industry, dogs were fed a raw diet. which showed less illnesses and easy treatable diagnoses on dogs.
These modern diseases are a result of lifetime of being fed processed commercial foods.
Think of it this way…
A processed food diet isn’t deemed healthy for us humans, so how can it be healthy for our furry family members?
A bag of dog food will sit on a shelf for months then go to a pet home to sit awhile longer until your dog has finished the bag. Commercial dog food is loaded with preservatives that extend shelf life and can potentially be harmful for your pets in the long run.